Can you believe it’s been 25 (+1*) years since Lynda started working in primary school libraries? We can’t either!

Who’d have thought that stepping in to help set up a library at her kid’s school all that time ago would lead to her helping schools up and down the country to do the same? With fantastic advice, a positive attitude, and an almost encyclopaedic (and ever growing!) knowledge of children’s books, Lynda’s helped schools not just revamp what they have, but build libraries entirely from scratch.

And what a quarter of a century it’s been! From meeting fantastic authors like Cressida Cowell and Gareth P Jones, to arranging visits and penpal schemes with more fantastic authors like Nizrana Farook and Jay Joseph…

…and from telling the stories of Beowulf and the Amesbury Archer, to celebrating every World Book Day that has come our way, we’re super proud of all that we’ve achieved and all the schools we’ve helped and supported.

We have a couple of new ideas that we’ll be looking at for the future, so keep an eye on our website and our social media for any announcements. Right now though, we’re going to sit back with a cup of tea, and a feeling of contentment knowing that we have helped – and will always continue to help – children when it comes to reading!
(*Okay, so technically the 25th anniversary was last year, but with the pandemic we missed it, so we thought we’d treat this year as 25 +1!)