
Christmas carol picture book
Book Reviews

A Christmas Carol | Picture Book Review

Retold by Kristina Stephenson and illustrated by Hoang Giang (published by Puffin Books)

“I bring you a warning,” replied Marley. “Tonight, you will be visited by three spirits. Listen to what they tell you, Ebenezer, for each of them means to help you.”

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Valley of Lost Secrets review
Book Reviews

The Valley of Lost Secrets | Book Review

By Lesley Parr (published by Bloomsbury Children’s Books)

‘One boy, I believe,’ Mr Bevan says.


I think I might be really sick, properly sick, all over my shoes sick. I just want to go home.

I’m gripping Ronnie’s shoulder so tight I must be hurting him but he’s just watching her. Then the woman called Mrs Thomas looks at me and I get the same smile.

‘I’ve changed my mind, Ceri,’ she says. ‘We can make room for two.’

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October October book review
Book Reviews

October, October | Book Review

By Katya Balen, with illustrations by Angela Harding (published by Bloomsbury Children’s Books)

She wanted me to go to school and spend my weekends with her far away, but then when would I ever be wild and free and climb trees and scavenge for treasure and tell stories by a fire?

I don’t want her.

She’s not wild like we are.

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Book Reviews

The Closest Thing to Flying | Book Review

By Gill Lewis (published by Oxford University Press)

Semira looked behind her as if she felt someone was watching her. A diary was personal wasn’t it? Private?

But surely if it had been written over a hundred years ago, the writer of the diary would be dead by now.

It wouldn’t matter if she read some of it.

Would it?

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Wonderscape book review
Book Reviews

Wonderscape | Book Review

By Jennifer Bell (Walker Books)

She swallowed and marched up to a crewwoman polishing one of the brass telescopes. Arthur noticed a glowing V tattooed on her chin, instead of a T, like the male crew members. “Excuse me, can we please leave this Wonderscape game? We don’t want to take part; we just want to go home.”

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lockdown children's book reviews
Book Reviews

Lynda’s Lockdown Library 3 | Picture Book Reviews

Welcome to the third entry into our Lockdown Library series! Although some children are back in school, we know that there are plenty who are still at home. So we’ve gone through our collection and found some wonderful picture books that are great for keeping the spirits up!

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lockdown children's book reviews
Book Reviews

Lynda’s Lockdown Library 2 | Book Reviews

Welcome to the second entry in our Lockdown Library! This one is aimed at slightly older children than part 1 (which you can see here), though younger children will likely still enjoy reading along too!

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Girl Stole Elephant review
Book Reviews

The Girl Who Stole an Elephant | Book Review

By Nizrana Farook (Nosy Crow)

‘She wrapped her legs around the top of the pillar, splayed on the ceiling like a gecko, hands gripping the roof gutter for support.

She stretched to the maximum, her arm muscles thrumming with the strain. The servant girl was right underneath…’

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