Reluctant Recommendations pt1 reviews book covers
Book Reviews

Reluctant Reader Recommendations Pt.1

Sorry that we’ve been a bit quiet – our editor had COVID, then moved house, but now we’re back! Recently, I’ve been looking for books that might entice reluctant readers, especially boys, to pick them up and have a go. We’re talking not too long, exciting covers, and titles that may really inspire them.

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August 2021 review round-up book covers
Book Reviews

Libraries 4 Schools 2021 Review Round-Up 3

Looking for something to read this bank holiday weekend? We’ve got you covered, in our most recent review round-up! A great selection of books for older and younger readers, we’ve got something for everyone!

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May 2021 review round-up book covers
Book Reviews

Libraries 4 Schools 2021 Review Round-Up 2

Welcome to our most recent review round-up, where we take a quick look at just some of the books you might like to add to your school or personal bookshelves. And what a great selection we have for you!

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March 2021 review round-up book covers
Book Reviews

Libraries 4 Schools 2021 Review Round-Up 1

So many brilliant books have been published in the last six months, and a lot by new and exciting authors, which is always great to see!

We’ve decided that the best way for us to keep you up to date is to do a round-up of titles we’ve recently read, so you can get a quick idea of what you might like to add to your school or home library.

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lockdown children's book reviews
Book Reviews

Lynda’s Lockdown Library 3 | Picture Book Reviews

Welcome to the third entry into our Lockdown Library series! Although some children are back in school, we know that there are plenty who are still at home. So we’ve gone through our collection and found some wonderful picture books that are great for keeping the spirits up!

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lockdown children's book reviews
Book Reviews

Lynda’s Lockdown Library 2 | Book Reviews

Welcome to the second entry in our Lockdown Library! This one is aimed at slightly older children than part 1 (which you can see here), though younger children will likely still enjoy reading along too!

Continue reading “Lynda’s Lockdown Library 2 | Book Reviews”